Time Out for a Commercial Message

I have just published Animals Have Feelings, Too: Bach Flower Remedies for Cats and Dogs. The book costs $1.99 and is available at amazon.comYou can also get it at Smashwords
where it can be downloaded in .mobi, .epub, .pdf, and other formats.

Topics include:

How the Bach Flower Remedies Can Help Animals and Humans: An explanation of how energy healing works.

Understanding Our Animal Companions: Animals, especially companion animals have emotions. Because they don’t speak the same language as we do, they often communicate through their behavior. Learn to crack the code by observing your pet carefully.

My Cat/My Dog/Myself: Sometimes animals mirror our own emotional upsets. You’d be surprised what you can learn about yourself from them.

Abuse and Abandonment: These animals need special understanding and treatment.

Some Common Conditions and Remedies for Them: An annotated list.

My inspiration for writing this book was the large number of people who’ve written to me over the years with questions about how they could help their pets. Many of them requested consultations, and their feedback demonstrated how helpful the Bach Flower Remedies are.

I wanted to make this information more widely available; hence the book.

The big challenge for me was the high level of technical work needed to bring this creative project to life. Formatting for the various formats listed above is the kind of thing I usually try to flee, saying I want to be creative, not get bogged down in technical work. That was exactly the kind of attitude that made the technical work difficult.

Once I discovered that I was the main obstacle in my path and that the nature of the obstacle was my fear of failing, I worked at changing my attitude. I submitted the book after deciding that if I failed a few times, it was okay. I did need to submit it a few times, and once I was successful, I had the satisfaction (after a few more submissions) of knowing I’d learned what I needed to learn.

The next time I format a book, I’ll be bolstered by my success with this one and by knowing that not getting it right the first time doesn’t have to devastate me. This, in turn, will boost my willingness to launch further creative projects.

The moral: If one has the right attitude, it’s all creative.