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Bach Flower Remedies

A User-Friendly Guide


Summary of Bach Flower Remedies Book Sample Lesson

“There were many things I liked very much about your course. Firstly, it’s great value for money. It’s also nice to know that further guidance is available, if required. The course materials are first rate! The combination of regular, manageable questions with intriguing learning activities makes the learning fun. Best of all are the very real characters, who bring the remedies to life, and make them so much easier to remember. Bach himself would be pleased with the way you’ve interpreted the spirit of his teachings!”

–Jim Small, U.K.

Summary of Book

After over a decade of providing the self-paced Bach Flower Remedies: A User-Friendly Guide, I have published this
work in e-book formats. Now
those who want to learn (or learn more) about Bach Flower Remedies without going through the certification process can do so.

Both book and course contain basically the same material and are suitable for any level of experience with Bach Flower Remedies or other essences.

Both include the following:

  • An introduction to the Bach Flower Remedies and vibrational healing
    Complete descriptions of all Bach Flower Remedies. Each chapter on a Remedy includes an opening fictional illustration of a Bach personality in action, a full description of the Remedy, and supplemental measures for working with the issues related to the Remedy.
  • The Remedies are organized into sections such as Fear, Depression, Domination. Each section concludes with a two- or three-part assignment that contains multiple-choice questions and suggestions for the student to consider (with potential for journal writing).
  • How to choose Bach Flower Remedies for yourself
  • How to choose Bach Flower Remedies for others
  • How to Get the Most Out of Bach Flower Remedies, including comments about meditation, dream work, affirmations, and other useful tools
  • Quick Picks: A list of several statements for each Bach Flower Remedy that represent the qualities of those who need to given Remedy.

As a course, the study book, in Microsoft Word format, will be delivered by email.

See a detailed table of contents.

See a sample section.

Bach Flower Remedies: A User-Friendly Guide is available at

All Amazon Stores Barnes and Noble Smashwords (in many formats)

The book is on iTunes; I found it, but I don’t know how to direct you via an URL. I love Apple, but the iTunes store mystifies me. Anyone who would like to guide me in this matter will have my undying gratitude.

If you would rather have the options of certification and mentoring with me, I recommend the course. To learn more about it, you may use the “Contact Me” link at the bottom of the page.